Business Partners

We expect high standards of performance and integrity from our business partners

Our business partners play an important role as enablers of our sustainable growth and overall success.

All dealings by Roche with its business partners are executed on the basis of sustainability, integrity, high quality of the requested product(s) and service(s), availability, competitive prices, best suitability and innovation. Roche has set forth principles regarding appropriate remuneration of its business partners, such as suppliers, consultants, distributors, advisers or agents.

Roche expects that the behaviour of its business partners complies with applicable laws, regulations, industry codes and contractual terms, as well as with generally accepted sustainability standards, such as protection of human rights, safety and environment, prohibition of child or forced labour, and anti-corruption. Roche expects that business partners respect confidentiality of Roche’s data, information and especially trade secrets and take appropriate measures to maintain confidentiality and to protect against disclosure and misappropriation.

Roche supports the industry principles for responsible supply chain management and has set forth its expectations in the Roche Supplier Code of Conduct.

Before entering into a business engagement, Roche performs a risk-based due diligence of the potential business partners to get first-hand assurance about their integrity, quality, suitability, credibility and commitment to sustainability. After signing of the contract and adequate instruction concerning integrity and other duties, the due diligence of business partners takes on the form of monitoring to ensure compliance.

Business partners can seek help and advice regarding the implementation of the Roche Group Code of Conduct as well as report a potential non-compliant situation which they face in connection with a Roche business directly to the Roche Chief Compliance Officer.

If a business partner does not comply with applicable laws, regulations, industry codes, contractual terms or generally accepted sustainability standards, Roche requests appropriate remedial measures and will, if necessary, terminate the cooperation.

We are all expected to:
  • Interact with all our business partners with integrity.
  • Obtain and maintain assurance about the integrity, quality, suitability, credibility and sustainability of our business partners before and during a business engagement.
  • Request appropriate remedial measures if we become aware of a non-compliance issue with a business partner.
Questions & Answers

I work with a consultant. He has asked me for high remuneration for his services which in my opinion is clearly above a fair market price. What shall I do?

Roche has set forth the principles regarding the remuneration of its business partners in the Roche Directive on Integrity in Business. Accordingly, the remuneration should be in line with the fair market value of the services provided. Otherwise, you should not accept the consultant’s request. Immediately inform your Line Manager and the local Compliance Officer and contact Procurement to discuss an appropriate solution.

How can we get assurance that our business partner lives up to our integrity expectations?

Prior to entering into a business engagement, we perform a risk-based due diligence, stipulate related legal terms in the contract, perform continuous monitoring and take further adequate measures, if necessary.

Further Informations

Further information and guidance can be found on the Roche Internet and Intranet. For specific information consult the Roche Policy on Third Party Spend and the Roche Supplier Code of Conduct.

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